CareerDays - Workshop - Allianz Services - Allianz Consulting: Insurance & IoT - A great fit?!
29.11.2022, 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr mit anschließendem Get-Together
Universität Bayreuth, Campus, Studentenwerk Oberfranken (SWO), Tagungszentrum
We have prepared 3 challenges for you:
1. Insurances based on wearables provide possibilities for insurers to differentiate themselves by discovering new sources of customer value. Insurers can increase engagement and ensure customer retention by offering more personalized and dynamic products. What is an ethical way to include wearable devices into the life/health insurance value chain?
2.How to engage industrial customers to integrate IoT in their insurance landscape for factory floors?
3.To overcome the blind spot and to better manage risks to cargo in transit, insurers need to provide innovative solutions. From blindness to sight – how to make cargo shipping manageable by the use of IoT?
Zielgruppe: We are looking for Master Students and Bachelor students in their last 2 semesters.
Workshop-Sprache: English
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Die Bewerbungsfrist für die CareerDays am 30.10.2022
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